Diaries Magazine

#TOTALSOCIAL // #GuiltyTotalSocial

Posted on the 19 August 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Helene in Between
Official Hashtag: #GuiltyTotalSocial   Laaaadies.  I'm so stoked to be back for this session of #TOTALSOCIAL with Helene.  And what can be more fun than showing of our guilty pleasures?!?!   So, let's dive into mine.. (& I hope we are still friends by the end of this post..)   1. Carrie Underwood.  I'm going to be real honest.  I don't like her for her music, or her looks per say.... I'm addicted to her LEGS.  I mean hello!, I need to borrow her trainer for a few weeks.   

carrie underwood workout

Source: Glamour magazine

2. Dr. Pepper.  I have stopped drinking my beloved DP.  I know, I know.  I've had the occasional sip on Sunday mornings when Brian and I go for breakfast, but other than that it's been missing from my life.  Have I lost any weight? No.  Does that make me want to go drink an entire 2 Liter myself? YEP.   3. Puppies!  And my "puppies" I mean every single dog, no matter it's age or size.  They are all sweet little baby puppies to me.  I'm way obsessed and would very well be the dog lady if Brian would let me...   4. iPhone.  I mean, who the heck isn't obsessed with their phones? It's the best stalking tool out there today.  :)   5. Notebooks.  I can spend hours in a office supply store.  And I snag pens ANYWHERE I go, even church.    6. Fried pickles.  Do I have to tell you any other reason why?   7.  Pretty Little Liars.  I'm old enough to be their Mom, but that's okay.  I still indulge myself in their little high school problems. #TOTALSOCIAL // #GuiltyTotalSocial    8.  Apps.  Yes, I said apps. I will download and try apps ALL the time.  I'm obsessed with finding the newest ones.   9.  Cookbooks.  I can dig through a cookbook and cherish it forever.  But I may never cook from it.  I just like having them.   10. Lists. Which is why this one is at 10.  I also am guilty of being OCD and liking even numbers.   Did you link up today? I would love to see your #TotalGuiltySocial posts! 
#TOTALSOCIAL // #GuiltyTotalSocial

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