I was so excited when 2 of my favorite bloggers where doing a link up. Each month, they will be hosting a #totalsocial will have a different theme and hashtag. The very first topic is firsts (naturally), and the first hashtag is #firststotalsocial! For more information, or ideas on what to post about, go here! So I thought that I would do my first post. I don't think this is actually my first post because way back I deleted a whole bunch of posts. I'm not sure why I didn't just revert to draft but oh well. It was a book review back in 2012. In 2012 I made a goal to read 25 books.
In February, I got completely spoiled and got me a Nook! I have been wanting one forever. (Insert Sandlot forever.) I have been doing so much research between the Nook and the Kindle. For the longest time I could decide which I wanted.
One thing that I really like is that at the beginning of each chapter are the ground rules. All these principles can be applied to any business. A great tip to keep in mind is to remember that I am marketing a product that not everyone is going to want. Every product has pimples, warts, or something unattractive about it. My job is to hide those but sell you on the great things.
The other book I read was Tell to Win by Peter Guber. I enjoyed this book as much as I did Ice to Eskimos. I learned so much about telling stories and telling stories in a proper way. Which is great because I work full time for a non profit and a huge part of my job is telling stories about our clients. Our clients have gone through so much in their lives and being able to help them tell a story is absolutely amazing.