WARNING: This workout was done withOUT my trainer and this is really more about the Jays vs. Yankees game last night anyways.
Question: Why am I not blogging as much this week?
Answer: I haven't been working out as much this week.
If you have been following my journey at all, you hopefully feel like you are getting to know me a little bit better. If this is the first time you are reading my blog (shame on you...just kidding-I am very glad that you are reading now!!!) let me catch you up to speed.
Here are the top things you need to know about me (with respect to fitness and exercise):
1. I travel on a regular basis as part of my job (meaning different time zones, irregular eating schedule, long days etc) and I am definitely not complaining. I love my job and the people I work with dearly.
2. When I am not with my trainer, I like to run (inside or outside-it depends on the weather).
3. I love McDonald's (and other naughty foods).
4. I have awesome friends and co workers that I can lean on for support to keep me motivated and on track as well.
5. Saturday morning workouts are awesome when you can't get enough workouts in during the week.
6. I truly enjoy each and every minute of my personal training sessions and would recommend working with a personal trainer to everyone.
I spent last night at the Jays game. They beat the Yankees 4-1. Which was awesome. The following "highlights" are things you won't see today on Sports Centre:
This is pretty self explanatory.
1. We (and like 20,000 other people) absolutely crushed a vendor dog before the game.2. I drank 2 Caesars at the game (yum).
3. There was a huge group of rowdy teens, that were being-well-yes "rowdy". They had to call the cops and many security and usher personnel to handle the situation safely and swiftly.
4. At the top of the 9th inning there was a non-naked streaker that ran out onto the field. I wasn't sure what to call this person. I had originally written streaker-but then I think that streaker means they were naked? Anyways, this person was unfortunately not naked, but make a run for it onto the field, where he was promptly tackled, arrested and shamefully walked off the field. I think you get in a lot of trouble for doing this-so you should probably just stay in your seats.
5. I tried to make a list of all of the Jays "walk out" songs (they actually put the song title and the artist up on the jumbotron) so I can have a cool new playlist for my next run. It was music night at the Skydome (yes I know it's called the Rogers Centre now, but it will always be the Skydome to me) so I have 10 free music downloads I can use to make this playlist happen.
The view of Jose Bautista from left field.
6. We are sitting three rows up in left field. So I took a picture of Jose Bautista's bottom and tweeted it to him (@joeybats19) with the message "your bottom".
Joe-touching 'em all.
I am very much a 90's Jays fan. I actually pondered purchasing a program for $5 so I could review the current players-but spent that $5 on my hot dog instead. When the 2nd baseman (whose name I can't remember) missed a play, I actually said out loud "Robbie Alomar would have made that play". After looking at the starting line-ups, I realized I knew more Yankees players than Jays. I am very much living in the "Touch 'em all Joe" past. Not cool Gus.Anyways, yesterday I went for a run on the treadmill because it was quite chilly outside.
Intervals is a great way to shake up your cardio (or so I have been told). Now if you are going to try this on your own-please ensure that you take the necessary precautions:
1. Use the little emergency clip thing (I've fallen off a treadmill before)
2. Don't run at a speed that is too fast. You want to be outside of your comfort zone, but not have the treadmill doing to fast that you can't reasonably keep up.
There are all kinds of ways that you can run intervals. This is what I did today:
I started with a 2 minute fast paced walk at 3.5 miles (I didn't include this in my totals).
- Warm up the first 2 minutes at Intensity Level 5 (for me it is 5.0 miles)
- Minutes 2-3 move from Intensity Level 5 to 6 (for me it is 5.5 miles)
- Minutes 4-5, 6-10 and 11-14 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level 9, maintain for one minute. (for me it is 6.0-6.5 miles)
- Minutes 15-19 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level 10 (High Point at Level 10), maintain for one minute. (for me it is 7.0 miles)
- Minute 20 cool down to Intensity Level 5 for one minute. (for me it is back to 5.0 miles)
I spend a little bit of time stretching as well. I have been having some pain in my shoulders lately, so I wanted to be able to stretch properly. I was working out with my close friend Jodi who was doing something similar on the bike. If you are following along at home, the absolute BEST fitness advice I could ever give you is:
Have a workout buddy.
Motivation/Accountability (you are less likely to stand up a friend at the gym)
Spotters (you can make sure you are both being safe, friends don't let friends drop weights)
Variety (you can do workouts that you each like to to and try new things together)
Competition (you won't stop if they are still going)
My friend and co-worker Amanda and I after running the CIBC Run for the Cure in Victoria BC in 2010. One of my many workout buddies.