Diaries Magazine

Travelling with Young Children

Posted on the 01 October 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Life has been moving pretty fast this year, it feels like on January 1st I blinked and suddenly it's already October! Where exactly has the year gone?!
We've crammed so much into this year already - from beginning the year heavily pregnant, I now have a 2 year old and 6 month old to look after and it's fair to say that keeps me pretty busy!
Adjusting to life with two children hasn't been as much of a shock to the system as I thought, but that doesn't mean to say that every day is a breeze - of course it isn't and there are a couple of things that suddenly seem MUCH harder to do with two children to think about.
One of the major changes for us has been free time and the ability to eat out - we have always loved going to restaurants and we were pretty proud of ourselves after managing not to let having a child affect that - we took Tyne to all kinds of restaurants from a young baby and as a result he always enjoyed the experience, behaved perfectly and never gave us any cause to consider stopping - but with two children?! It's a whole different ball game! We've tried it on a few occasions, the most recent being my birthday, and it's just not the worth the stress - you can guarantee one of them will get fed up just as the food arrives which means one of us ends up eating a cold meal after dealing with their needs - not a fun experience for anybody and so sadly it's something we've had to shelve for a while!
Free time in itself is also much more fleeting now, as bedtimes and mealtimes take twice as long as they did with just one child.
But the main area of change has been travel - not that its had that much of an effect on us as this year so far we've fit in 9 short breaks or holidays! - but traveling with two children, one of those being a young baby, is a handful to say the least!
This infographic from Baby Blue Chip about sums it up..
Travelling with young children
Yep, by the time you've packed in all the thousands of things you need, stopped a million times on the journey to change nappies and sort out feeds, and spent the entire holiday trying to keep them both entertained - you often come back feeling like you need another holiday to recover!
Infact on our most recent trip we had to leave Noah behind with his grandparents as we knew how much extra stress it would be to do such a long car journey with his pram, travel cot, steriliser, all of his bottles and food essentials, nappies and so on - plus the travel time which he would hate, it just didn't seem fair - but we missed him for the duration of the holiday and it spoiled it a little not having him there.
We have been invited to try out a short break with Baby Blue Chip Holidays who specialise in Baby-friendly breaks and I'm excited to see if this makes things easier for us.
The properties are self catering to take the stress out of mealtimes, and baby friendly - they come equipped with everything from toys and books to keep little ones entertained, to all of the necessary safety equipment such as stair gates and bath mats. There is even all of the essentials such as cots and linen, baby monitors, black out blinds, night lights, high chairs, blenders, and even bath toys!
They seem to have thought of everything to take the stress out of traveling with children and I am so excited to see how it all pans out - we travel on Monday for a 3 night stay in a beautiful property in Dorset, so I'm very excited about it!
I'll be reporting back with my thoughts.
To find out more about Baby Blue Chip Holidays please visit HERE
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