Treasure Those Memories

Posted on the 20 August 2015 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
In the digital world that we live in it’s easy to share pictures and moments online within a matter of minutes. Updating our Facebook status with first words, first walks and even first tantrums, but there’s no telling where the digital revolution will take us, and how we will manage to share these memories when our little ones have flown the nest. Physical keepsakes are just as important as the digital ones, and for the future of our children and their own, we should be ensuring that we savour these treasured moments so that there’s no risk of them being lost to the online world.  Memory boxes are a traditional way to secure these moments in their physical form, and it can be an enjoyable craft to take part in if you like to let your creativity flow. 

DIY Collage  If you want to create a box that encompasses every significant detail of your child’s upbringing, then a collaged box gives you the opportunity to stick everything from the newspaper date, to special notes and birthday cards that have touched your heart.  Messages of congratulations and even quotes that you feel sum up those first few days with your baby, can help you to relive those feelings when your sharing the box with your grown-up child in years to come.  This will help you to present all of those little things that mean so much, in just one box, without the nagging feeling that you’re simply hoarding unnecessary items.  Wooden Boxes  When you’ve collected first teeth, locks of hair and tiny first shoes, you may want to keep these in a sturdier box that can withstand any unforeseen damage. Whether you’re looking to move house with your little one, or want something that feels a little more special, engraved wood boxes offer a strong solution.  No matter the style you choose, it will be seen as a family heirloom once your children grow up and you will have started a tradition that can carry on for generations. The thought of grandchildren and great grandchildren all gathering round the box to find out the history of where their family began, can be a heart-warming moment.  Photos  We upload hundreds of photos on a daily basis thanks to social media sites, but can you remember the last time you had any printed?  Photos capture moments in all their beauty, so when you’re looking to put together your box remember to get some printed that really mean the world to you.  If you want to create the box for a family member or friend as a gift, there are now many photo boxes available that can protect your photos and give you space for added tokens.  
A memory box should be a representation of how precious these moments are, and if you can get your little one involved by adding their finger prints or foots prints to the box then it makes it all the more special.

What do you do to treasure all those special memories? Mummy B xoxox
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