
Posted on the 02 November 2011 by Zer @the2women

...with great power...

Some days it’s hard to remember days before Twitter.  Those good old days when we kept our thoughts to ourselves, at least until we formed them into coherent, grammatically adjacent phrases.

Today we merely have to pull out our phones and we can hashtag (can’t believe my spell check is so behind the times) to our heart’s content.

Of course, even this skeptic (and tweeter) has to admit that it’s a pretty cool and world-changing tool.  For all of the idiocy it has highlighted (I can’t say they created it), it has also done plenty of good, and kept us up to date on our friends’ dietary habits.

Could we live without it?  Probably.  Is it hard to imagine? Increasingly.

As difficult as it may be to admit, social media has done us some good.  Aside from ensuring the survival of thumbs (it’s evolution people), there are some inspiring tales from Twitter’s history (a whopping five years).  That is the inspiration for: Stories.Twitter.com.

The site is a collection of stories about how Twitter has changed lives.  Is it a little self-gratifying?  Yes.   However, it’s nice to be reminded that the Internet can be, and is being used for worthy causes, acts of good will, moments of serendipitous  happenstance, and some genuinely heartwarming and inspiring tales.

I’d give you details, but then that link I added above might feel unloved.  So do yourself a favor and click on it.  Think of it as an extended bi-daily smile…which of course is still available below.  Enjoy.


“Twitter Stories Show Social Media’s Impact”: Washington Post 

…bi-daily smile…

short, sweet, and to the point…well…maybe not sweet: