Diaries Magazine

Trifecta: Dwell

Posted on the 12 February 2013 by Mamamelch @HillaryMelch
Some days I am more philosophical than others.
Some days I dwell on the constructed nature of Culture
turning the idea over and over in my mind until it changes form.
I am convinced that the world would be a much different place
if we understood how much of it is made up of our own constructed ideas,
rather than some concrete things on which we base our existence and exigencies.
I am reminded of the beautiful basic concepts of my chosen field
and why I went into anthropology in the first place.
All the theoretical and methodological debates
fall to the side when I dwell in my post-modern state of
everything is everything.
Naturally, nihilism will slip the doubts back into my mind
in a fit of rage at the state of beings and doings around me.
But for that graceful moment,
I transcend the boundaries and see that we are one
only separated by choice.
Perhaps that is just my transparent eyeball Huckabees moment,
but I liked it.
Trifecta: Dwell  

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