Tring-Tring, the phone rang…!
Watson didn’t quite know how to react when the telephone rang. Although this was what his boss, AGB had been burning midnight oil, and working hard to strive, he wasn’t quite sure what to think, to do, when it rang. For at least 8 odd months now, AGB was on the verge of his greatest invention, one that would drastically change the way people all over the world communicated with each other. Although a majority of his research and ground work has been completed, the last link was eluding him for quite a while and was proving to be quite a challenge.
AGB had pored over books and journals, discussed his concepts at great length with various intellectuals in the related field. While most of them were understanding and provided him with their valuable inputs, there were more than a few of them who laughed at him in the face. What he was proposing was ‘out of the world’ and in their opinion was not possible at all with the given technology of the day. AGB, however, was a man on a mission. He intended to go ahead and put all his energies into his invention, not only to prove all the nay-sayers wrong, but also to prove to himself that his conviction was right, his fundamentals were solid and that he was not chasing a golden goose.
And on 10th March, 1876, AGB (Alexander Graham Bell) successfully completed his final experiment. His final prototype of his wonderful invention called the telephone was ready. His assistant Watson was in the next room, when, tring-tring, the phone rang. When Watson picked up the phone, the first ever words spoken on the telephone were Alexander Graham Bell’s “Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you” Words that have since been written in history. Finally, Alexander Graham Bell had invented the telephone, an invention which completely changed the way people all over the world communicated with each other.
This post is a fictionalized account of how Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. While most of the facts are accurate, they have been polished with adequate fiction to make the post a little more interesting.
This post is part of the Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
This post was picked as one of the WOW picks of the week on July 28th, 2013.