A quick trivia question to start your Thursday morning:
What is the United States of America’s official motto? (Hint: Look a little further up on the page)
If you, very astutely, went with—In God We Trust—then you’re correct.
If you didn’t get it right, then you’ll be happy to hear that the House passed a resolution on Tuesday which reaffirms this well known phrase as our nation’s motto.
As we make our way through a time of mass confusion and uncertainty, we can rest easy that at least these four simple words will remain untouched.
After all, what would we do without trust? Trust in God (whomever that might be), country and trust in our nation’s elected officials to always have our best interest at the forefront of their aggendas (or is it minds?).
Without this trust we would just be a swarm of angry protesters demanding answers and action. A national identity crisis over our nations motto would be the least of our worries.
Thank goodness, we now know (again) where we can put our trust.
More on the Story: Reaffirming Our Motto
…just for fun:
I’m sure this was in the running for national motto at some point-