Truth Is Thursday!

Posted on the 29 September 2011 by Thefriskyvirgin

Truth is: I still like to sing the Toys R Us song. You know, “I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys R Us Kid…” I heard it on the radio (commercial for Toys R Us) the other day and it just brought me back to being a little girl in Texas, walking through these monstrous aisles jam-packed with toys, singing the Toys R Us song. I haven’t lost my inner child, apparently. Reckon I never will.
Truth is: I can’t stand crab meat. It makes me gag.Literally.Anything that shares its name with an STD just doesn’t seem right. Leave ’em in the sea.
Truth is: Lord help me, I love t-shirts.I just bought two more.
Of course, while doing so, I managed to be an idiot.
I spotted a Mountain Dew shirt, which I didn’t have.It was so random, much like how I found my AMP shirt.Well, I had to have it.
Me: “Ooh, a Mountain Dew shirt!”
Mom, who was shopping with me: “Is there anything Dale on it?”   Me: “No, nothing…just Mountain Dew, so no chance of a jinx. I have to have it. Now, I’ll have AMP and Mountain Dew. This is bizarre luck, here.”
At this point, I half-notice a guy kind-of hanging around, grinning.And then my eyes and mouth get together and blow the whole NASCAR-88-girl-fan image.
Me: “Oooh, a Popeye shirt!! How cute is that?! I’m strong to the finish ‘cause I eats me spinach! Aw, and, Mom, remember when I used to sing the Olive Oyl song when I was just a little girl?”    Yes, my eye was all squinty.And, yes, I sang.The guy disappeared. Yeah.
Me: “I really never cease to amaze myself sometimes.”
Mom: “Honey, if a guy can’t appreciate a girl who is full of life and fun, then he can go shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.”
Gotta love moms. :)
Oh, and, um, I bought the Popeye shirt...and the Mountain Dew shirt.