Truthful Tuesdays (15)

Posted on the 18 January 2012 by Bvulcanius @BVulcanius

This Truthful Tuesday post will probably make me slightly depressed, because I won’t like what I’m going to write, but it’s still the truth. So, let’s get on with it.

Someone or something I couldn’t live without, because I’ve tried living without it… Well, my answer to this one would be no one and nothing.

I have learned from experience that life will go on, no matter which people come and go, no matter the stuff you lose along the way. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and you’re on your merry way again.

This probably makes me sound cold and heartless, but I think this is completely untrue. The fact that I have to pick myself up, should already tell you that letting go of (important) people in my life hurts and that it affects me. But would I stop living my life? No.
