Diaries Magazine

Try This Experiment Today #WednesdayWisdom

Posted on the 21 November 2018 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Try This Experiment Today #WednesdayWisdom

This Wednesday Wisdom post is inspired by a profound question from Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher, speaker and writer, also regarded as one of the greatest philosophical and spiritual figures of the twentieth century.

What is your subjective experience of time?
Try This Experiment Today #WednesdayWisdom To find the answer to that question, let's try this experiment:

Put away your watch/clock for a day.
Don't look at the time. See how it goes.
If you find it too hard to do it for a day, begin by trying it for, say, 6 hours.
Baby steps.

Write down how you felt, what you experienced.


Think about what you like about your children, your family members, your friends. Write it down.
The next time you interact with them, keep what you wrote in mind.
Experience how it changes your time together, and fills it with gratitude for the love and unique gifts they bring to you, and to the world.

How does that feel?

Now, look at your own life.
Observe how, in the middle of chaos, whether it is a cluttered desk or a messy relationship, life is trying to evolve within you.
You adjust. You evolve.

Think back on a couple of instances when this happened recently.
Perhaps it was a project deadline you met against all odds.
Perhaps you kept your cool even though you were pushed to your limits in a relationship.

How do you feel?

Finally, imagine for a few minutes each day this week that this is your last day.
How would you spend your time?
How would you wish to be?
What would you want to do?

Take notes.

Did you try this experiment? Did the reflection help? What is your reaction?

When your mind has no walls, when it is not weighed down with its own acquisitions, accumulations, its own knowledge, when your mind lives timelessly and insecurely-to such a mind, life is an extraordinary thing. This mind is life itself, because life has no resting place.

Try This Experiment Today #WednesdayWisdom Wednesday Wisdom is a series with short bursts of easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of stories, quotes, anecdotes, and humor.

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