Trying Hard to Get Some Quality (Unselfish) Me Time in My Life

Posted on the 03 November 2012 by Taveren37 @mjgraham

I know that it goes with the territory. Being a mom you tend to put yourself last in pretty much everything.

Few burnt chips, oh that's ok I'll put them on my plate; running late, oh that's ok I will have my shower later; getting ready for school, that's ok I will have my breakfast when I get home again (even if that is at 11.30am). As long as my kids are fed and clothed and satisfied then that is great, and I can squeeze in some time for me, when I get a few spare seconds.

But then the problem is with me, those few spare seconds never come. I desperately need to shave or shower or brush my hair. Or I dream of taking a nice leisurely bubble bath, or putting on nail polish or even makeup, even if it is just a bit of lippy.

Those organised ones, say to be a happy mom you have to look after yourself. Make sure that you spoil and pamper yourself occasionally. I do agree with that, but I can't seem to put it into practice.

I have a copy of Pockets of Happiness: Creating Meaningful Moments in Your Life written by the beautiful Naomi from Seven Cherubs. It is all about how to find some time for You in a busy life. It is only 28 pages long. I need to read this ebook. But it is sitting there, unread. Why do I put myself so far down the list? I deserve some me time don't I?  

I used to be an avid reader. I would read 3 books a week, in my younger days. I love reading. But it is one of the many things that have been squeezed out and stopped. I tell myself when my youngest goes to school (he is two now), then I should have some time to read. But I really want a bit of time now. I don't want to sound selfish. My kids will always come first, and that is how I want it to be. But I need to find a little bit of time to read or relax in a bubble bath or paint my nails without the guilt that seems to go with it for me.

Is it a case of being completely disorganised? Having poor time management skills? I tend to go with an urgency list. Things tend to get done based on how urgent they are. So things are done at the last minute, and they have to make it to the top of the urgency list before I get to them. I really don't like to function like that, but that is how it goes at the moment.

Thankfully for myself, 'Pockets of Happiness' is getting to the top of the list. I will make sure that I read it in the coming few days. I need to. I am going to devour it and take it to heart and put it into practice.

Are you nice and organised about things? Do you spend some quality time looking after yourself? If you do, then please give me some tips. When do you find time to apply makeup, give yourself a manicure or read that book? Any advice will be humbly and happily accepted.
