Trying Something New..

Posted on the 30 April 2012 by Klnelms @klanelms
Ya'll know I love a good link-up and I saw one I haven't particated in yet, so here's my stab at it. 
This one is Mingle Monday, and I'm linking up here.

This sassy one is all about answering a question.& this week's Q is..
** What fashion trend do you want to try out this summer? ** I'm not good at fashion. I don't even pretend to be.  I wear what fits, what is comfortable, and what is not expensive.  I'm about as non-fashionable as it gets.  My wardobe is depressing and in need of a major make-over.  So, for a trend this summer I am thinking wearing more "pretty" summer clothes.  I get in the rut of being comfortable and not as much "attractive."   Anyone else feel me? :) ****************************************************** There.  Now that I did that, I'll ramble on like usual. :)  This past weekend was packed FULL.   Friday: After work- I went to sort through some baby clothes we are trying to get rid of.. [uggggh]Ran home, ate w/ my honey, and spent time with him before crashing.  (Sorry, baby!) Saturday:-Up early, and hit the yard sales.  [Scored a Fossil, Kavu, and Vera Bradley purse, $5 FOR ALL]And people wonder why I yard sale........... -Tractor pull with my family (posting on that tomm!)-Spend some more quality time with my honey, and yet again crashed on him!  Sorry AGAIN, baby!) Sunday:-Church w/ Mom and Jenna bugg-Go see my brother-Home and did a massive clean of the house... Yikes!-Birthday party for two of B's nephews. :)   I am worn out.   I love him..
& her :)