Trying to Be Adult

Posted on the 20 February 2013 by Missliabilities
...Just one of those days when you feel like that doctor thing is holding you back...
A new co-worker bought a house with her boyfriend of 9 months. He's an engineer, she graduated the same time as me. Basically, they are the alternate reality version of M and I. She has been taking off work going out to see houses, sign leases, and blah blah her life's wonderful blah.
Today she came in waving her new house keys. "Oh, we just had a picnic lunch on the bare floors of our NEW house." My blood started boiling.
I like where I'm living. It's close to bars and restaurants that I enjoy. My friends don't find it too inconvenient to visit. We have plenty of space and we'll have plenty more when the roommate moves out. But I want to cook in a new kitchen with dark wood and granite surrounding me. I wish that we had a fireplace that actually worked instead of saying "Decorative use ONLY" on it. And the parking - UGH.
I look at that chunk of change in my savings just waiting to be used as a house downpayment. Why not buy a house?, I ask myself. And then remember that Match Day is coming up in two years and one month. If we don't get matched in our town, we probably won't buy a house in the new city. Add another 6 years to that waiting game.
God I need chocolate and wine.