Diaries Magazine

Tuesday 25.12.2012

Posted on the 22 June 2024 by Therealme

I.T. colloquium.

Berge had accepted my Facebook offer.

While Andrea and I were waiting in front of lecture room 2, Victoria passed and said “Hello” to us, Andrea thought she remembered her from the previous day.

I studied irregularly for this colloquium, not harder than the first time.

In the hall Andie joined us with a female friend of hers (ok, there was a boy sitting, I had balance).  Andrea was looking for someone who knew the I.T. material, she quickly made friends with Andie’s friend who did know and she sat next to her in my (third) row. Reis was in front of me again. Benjamin intentionally moved next to me from the back. I made friends with Andie’s other girl who said “I don’t know how this one’s called” to a friend of hers. I asked her if she’s on Business Computer Studies and how was she able to sit on the broken chair. Benjamin threatened Reis to show him (“‘cos I’ll throw you over there”). The test that was just 2 pages, had a not very hard table and somewhat hard questions.

Benjamin corrected me about the table, later asked me a question (TLS) I didn’t know. I didn’t know a colleague’s question, but noticed the sockets question was the same as the one in my group. Benjamin had it, but didn’t want to show me, even though I indicated to him to move his arm. OK, he rewrote the question from Reis, and didn’t want I to see it. I realised it was just CHEAP revenge that I didn’t show him. If you do something, do it with study. Btw what kind of Christianity is that that he should have after catching the cross? The guy even adjusted his crotch! How was it for me?

Emily called me “Nicky” to ask me about SSL layers. I didn’t know it, along with the sockets and another question, which rewrote it from the notebook, but even 2 days later I saw I was wrong. I put my expectation around the number 15. Andrea was expelled.

On the waiting area the bench fell when a guy sat next to me.

In the bus, thirsty for information, I sat with Andrea. She told me she rewrote and gave Andie to rewrite, but got caught. She was afraid. She expects at least 17 points. Wow!

She didn’t leave me alone even at home. The mademoiselle came briefly for extra Electrotechnics formula. Unannounced.

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