Tuesday Topics: 10 Things That Make You Happy

Posted on the 21 May 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
Today, I'm linking up with two of my favorite girls, Lauren and Tiffany, for Tuesday Topics.  But, before we start this party, I want to send a HUGE congratulations to Tiffany on the arrival of baby boy Elliott.  He is absolutely adorable!  Congratulations girl! :-)
Also, because these two are covered in awesome-sauce, they are hosting a give-away at the end of this round of Tuesday Topics, just as a way to say thanks for participating.  Awe, you guys are fabulous!

Today's topic is 10 things that make you happy.  Easy, peasy!
This little man brings me so much joy and happiness.  I can't imagine a life without this little dude. <3

{Darren}Where would I be without this man?  He is wonderful, funny, smart, and so much more.  He makes me happier than I ever thought I could be!

{Our family}Need I say more?

{Photography}I am so happy and lucky to be able to do what I love.  Especially for my family.  Here is one picture from my brother and Kinzey's engagement session.  Love these two!

{Our fur babies}We have two cats and two dogs, and they are just like our children.  Here are three of our fur babies...I couldn't find a picture of our other kitty.

{Our friends}
We have some amazeballs friends, and being able to spend time with them is like talking an instant happy pill. :-)
Watching movies, talking about movies, and really, anything about movies in general makes me happy.  Our DVD/Blu-Ray collection is a bit ridiculous.
Pasta and breads are my downfall.  But, I love them, so that makes it OK in my book. :-)
I love to read whenever I get the chance.  It helps wind me down, and I love getting lost in a good book.
When I have the time to devote to cooking/baking, it is unbelievably satisfying, and such a mood lifter.  I love spending time in the kitchen! 
Happy Tuesday, friends!