[one]"This one time, at band camp..."
In High School, I was a band geek, loud and proud. I was in color guard, jazz band, concert band, pep band, and the musical pit band. I also auditioned to be a part of an all district band yearly, which was an awesome experience. I look back on these times, and there are days when I really miss it all. I'm so glad I was a part of it.

[two]Our wedding day

[three]It's a boy!The birth of our son will always be one of my greatest memories.

This may sound completely silly and ridiculous, but, discovering my passion for photography is SUCH a great memory of mine. I am so happy and lucky to have found something I love to do!

[five]What happens in Vegas....
Vegas was such a great trip! So great, in fact, that we're going there again next week!!!

[six]Ryder's First Flight--see the full post HERE :-)
Seeing my dad's face light up when I said he could take Ryder up in the plane was such a priceless moment.

Such a fun topic!
Happy Tuesday, peeps. :-)