Turn the Beat Around.

Posted on the 24 October 2017 by Berijoy @berijoy

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

Okay. So...I've said this before and I'm saying it again. Unplug. Disconnect from the constant stream of bad news. It's ramping up and it feels like chaos and craziness. Aren't you tired of this recycling of traumas, dramas, and distractions everyday, which is f ast-turning-into-every-single-minute? Can't you feel it? Is this going to be your new normal?

What do you do (I hear you ask) ? Well. Its time to elevate. RISE. LIFT. Get the heck outta Dodge. Split the scene. SCRAM.

How? Stop watching the news, for one thing . Stop reading the Twitter streams, omit the FB people who are stuck in perpetually posting rants, accounts of bad news, racism, etc., for another . Why? Because it doesn't change anything. It doesn't get you anywhere. It does give you more angst, more woe, more despair. It does make you sad, and sag your spirit. Unplugging doesn't mean you don't care. It doesn't mean you're living in La-La Land. It means you are ceasing to contribute your energy to sustaining a system that was problematic from the very beginning. This is said system.

Instead, start remember what is truly important in your heart. From within you. Abandon the without because it is like Oz (of the movie) in the end. You'll discover it was all a mirage designed to get you to focus on what wasn't truly important. In the end, Dorothy awoke and remembered what mattered.

It means you start making different choices despite what others are doing, despite what the so-called real world tells you to do. You cease to privilege the status quo and give honor to your own divine wisdom.

How? Surround yourself with people who are contributing to the positive higher side of life. Love, but leave at the door, those who want to wallow in the low vibrations of this-here matrix world. I know there are a lot of them who have not yet reached their "too-through" point. A lot of them, s o....

Meditate: absolutely a must. Erry single day. This is the A #1 way to begin recovery. It is the vehicle f or taking a magic carpet ride through the quiet and stillness of your being. that you get the next step in the plan . When the din of noise is at a fever pitch, (which i And it is the only surefire way t really is now), your steady practice of quiet will help you the right voice, and know what to do. hear

"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." ― Narcotics Anonymous

We are in some (more than) interesting times. They're bound to get even more interesting. Now is the moment to cultivate yourself . You've got to learn to be able to distinguish and know the right move to make at the right time. And that time will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. The time is coming when you will have to make this choice. You may not have to the time to think about it when it does. You may not get to reflect. You will not be able to get the right answer from your neighbor, your mama, your priest, minister, or guru, or a guidance book. You will only be shown the way you should go when you are directed and guided from within. for you

Align yourself with the lord god of your being. Make the very best choices for yourself. They have nothing to do with building a massive bank savings account, acquiring the next new iPhone or Android, or, staying in the know of the news of world. Besides, the news we are all getting is manufactured. The bet is that you will continue to believe and buy into it, thus sustaining an already broken system. The hope is that you will believe and live shaking and quaking in your boots in fear, and yield your will and sovereignty to what this tell you or suggest that you do to stay safe. It will have you fearing the next potential missile strike, or police brutality, or the neighbor next door . THEY

If you fear missing out on some important information, ask yourself what would happen if you didn't have to hear the next piece of bad news? What if you could learn to rise above the appearance of so-called reality, and begin to put your consciousness and energy toward the world you really want to exist in? What would happen if you could begin to take back your power from the ineffective beings and things that you long ago yielded it to?