…tweet Your Mind

Posted on the 03 August 2012 by Zer @the2women

In case you haven’t heard these are the “Smart Olympics.” As in the Olympics of the smartphone, not as in the above average intelligence Olympics.

As foretold, smartphones and, perhaps more prominently, tweets have ruled this week of competition, in more ways than we could possibly have imagined.

If it hasn’t been an athlete making racist comments, it’s been athletes protesting rules about sponsors or officials asking spectators to please not tweet complaints.

Who knew the twittersphere could handle such range. Imagine what week 2 could bring. It’s enough to make you cringe, or run to you Twitter app.

It’d be a shame to miss any of the action, and I hear there are athletic events too!

“Olympics: Please do not tweet unless you have to, fans told”: Reuters

“Olympics 2012: Drop that logo! Brand patrol on guard”: Washington Times

“Olympians Take to Twitter to Protest Endorsement Rule”: NYTimes

…bi-daily smile…