Twenty Something, #733

Posted on the 13 July 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I felt like hell yesterday.  I felt like hell because I went to a rock concert the night before, and after an evening of acting like I’m still in my twenties, my body reminded me that oh no….I’m two decades beyond that.  Oh my goodness….how did I used to go out like that when I was in college?  Does getting older really mean that you can’t bounce back as easily as you used to?

I pushed through my tiredness and aching body and was a trooper making it though my regular activities and commitments, but I seriously felt like I needed a medal for accomplishing it all.  I wish rock concerts only fell on weekends.  That would make things so much easier.

I guess I just have to admit that I’m no long twenty anymore.  It’s not much to admit, because I know that when the next fun rock concert comes to town, I’ll still go and suffer through the next day once again.  That’s just the way it is when you’re a music lover.

My song of the day is one that I used before, but this song is just too perfect for this topic to pass up.  ”Twenty Something” by jazzy British piano man, Jamie Cullum, is awesome.  If you’ve never heard this song before, you must listen to it and especially check out his awesome lyrics.  Click HERE to go to Youtube, and I promise you, you’ll have some new favorite music.  This guy really sums up the “twenty something” generation, and it makes me know for sure that this is one generation that I am no longer part of…at all!