Two Lovely Ladies

Posted on the 29 September 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD

Today I'd like to introduce you to two fab ladies who are not only gorgeous and talented, but also sponsored TYD during the month of September. These two should definitely be on your blog roll. I know they'll both do amazing things!
{P.S. If you're interested in sponsoring TYD you can check out the rates and perks here.}
Meet Jessica at Jessica Who?
blog // facebook // twitter // pinterest
I'm Jessica and I blog at Jessica Who?. The title refers to the constant "Jessica who??" that us Jessicas get. I blog about everything from food to fashion, but mostly about our crazy life in Hawaii!
What is your favorite part about Fall? I love fall fashion! Since we live in Hawaii, I don't get to wear warm weather clothes very much but I still try to throw in some fall colors to my outfits.
Meet Alli at Allena Mistral blog // facebook // twitter // pinterest
Hi! My name is Alli and I blog at Allena Mistral. In my real life, I'm a chemistry TA for freshman chemistry, a girlfriend to a wonderful man, a soon-to-be Zumba instructor and a whole mishmash of random. In my bloggy life, I'm a crafter, DIY-er, Jewerly designer, motivator and wannabe fashionista! My blog is filled with completely random stuff, so stop on by!
What is your favorite part about Fall? I'm a September baby, so fall means a day that is all mine! :)