Two Minute Medley

Posted on the 08 September 2015 by Cifarshayar @cifarshayar

Two Minute Medley #1

Here are few two-two minute poems covering different incidents happened in India and the world in recent times.

इश्क़ की हवा चलाने वाला,अब हुआ इस दुनिया से बेगाना। Ishq Ki Hawa Chalane Wala,Ab Hua Is Duniya Se Begana.

Drowned body,
woke up everybody.

The leader who as almighty projected,all previous norms who has rejected,bowed to the family (parivar) in similar fashion,continuing caste,religion,abuse based political tradition. 

बात-बात पर धमकाता है मेरा नादान पड़ोसी,कमज़ोरी नहीं है मेरी अमन पसंद ख़ामोशी। Baat-Baat Par Dhamkata Hai Mera Nadan Padosi,Kamzori Nahin Hai Meri Aman Pasand Khamoshi.

Mother-Daughter-Sister-Father-Brother-Lover,Usually completes family and not mysterious murder.
Too much bad news I guess, here is one to lighten the mood:
उफ़्फ़ तेरी ज़ुल्फ़ों का इस तरह लहराना,क्या नया कोई शैम्पू है बाज़ार में आना ?Uff Teri Zulfon Ka Is Tarah Lehrana,
Kya Naya Koi Shampoo Hai Bazar Mein Aana?
This post is linked to IndiSpire Edition #81 at
Write a 2minute poem! Yeah Heard right! An INSTANT 2-minute poem,a simple,sweet,nicely rhyming poem,playing with words,not hard but easy,funny and cool,a relief to your mind,not to grind,but to find,a solace and some peace .