Self Expression Magazine

Two Minutes

Posted on the 01 July 2012 by Rajrupa @irajrupa

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 29; the 29th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is 'TWO MINUTES'.
Two Minutes No two days are the same. Each has its own oscillating curve of high and low spikes. But of late, my days are mostly about lows. A patchy break up and demanding work. I struggle to keep a balance between my sanity and insanity. I plunge into work to nurse my wounded soul but it seems to strangle me.
Two MinutesAs I sit in my car on my way to office, I feel stressed at the thought of those piles of files that cluttered my desktop. I must read and approve them. I drive slowly in the morning’s busy traffic feeling a little numb around the steering wheel. At a particularly stubborn signal, another car stops beside me.  A man, old and elegant, leans on the driver’s seat. I look at him, he looks back. Our eyes meet and we stay like that for few seconds. My eyes mostly blank and melancholy, his eyes searching.

Then suddenly he takes his hands off the steering wheel. He puts both his index fingers on the corner of his lips and pulls them down, revealing a sad face. Then he knits his eyebrows, wrinkles his nose, shakes his head and gives a double thumb down. I look. He then smiles broadly and makes a sweeping movement with his index finger and thumb. He then nods and shows double thumbs up. In spite of me, I am already smiling. He rolls down his window, so do I. Just as the signal turns green, the old man mouths, “This too will pass”.

Two MinutesLife changes for me in those two minutes. Often you don’t realize that all you were pining for was just a small gesture or a kind smile or even few minutes of attention. Two minutes of the stranger’s time in this case did the trick. In those two minutes I learnt not to take anything too seriously, to take two minutes out to ponder, to donate two minutes of my time to do something uplifting to someone who is not having his best time  and to always remember, “This too will Pass.” :)

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
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