Two Months

Posted on the 29 August 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

At two months:


- Weighs 12lbs, 14oz! She has the cutest little thunder thighs and baby rolls and it’s amazing to see how big she’s getting! She’s already fitting into some 3 month clothing too.

- Has a fairly set eating schedule now. I can count on her getting hungry every 2.5-4 hours, which makes life a bit easier to plan. She still seems to always wake up and be hungry when I go to eat though. I guess it’s her way of telling me that she is, in fact, in charge.

- Is the most impossible baby to burp. She absolutely refuses to be burped, and as a result, she usually ends up spitting up EVERYWHERE. (That is, if she doesn’t spit-up and burp at the same time.) Isla loves to fall asleep after nursing and not want to be burped. Apparently I was the same way when I was a baby, so what goes around, comes around.

- Has quite the personality already! She seems to think it’s hilarious when she poops her diaper: I’ll tell her she’s a smelly girl and she’ll give me the BIGGEST smiles ever. She also loves to kick and splash during her baths and tells stories, and she loves to look at herself in the mirror.

- Is too big for her newborn clothing. I can squeeze her into one if I absolutely have to, but they’re way too tight and look ridiculous. My mom and I went shopping last weekend and I bought her some new clothes, which I’m sure she’ll quickly outgrow. How is my kid so big already? She’s pretty much a teenager already.

- Is starting to interact with her surroundings. We received an activity mat at the baby shower and she loves to look at the toys and kick and “play” the piano. I’m sure she doesn’t actually know what she’s doing, but I think she likes the sights and sounds! She’s also “tracking” objects and loves to talk and tell “stories”, especially at bath time.

- Is beginning to sleep for larger chunks of time at night. She’ll now sleep for 5-6 hours for the first half of the night, and then 3-4 hours after she has her mid-night feeding. I greatly appreciate it, although my boobs are usually ready to explode by the time she wakes up.


- Am getting better at NOT falling asleep while nursing/burping Isla in the middle of the night. I guess I’m just getting used to the lack of sleep.

- Am still not confident enough to go out for long periods of time if by chance that Isla gets hungry. Currently, Kyle and I wait until Isla has been fed and burped before we pack her up to go anywhere because I’m not brave enough to nurse in public (or in front of anyone other than Kyle or my mom). I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready! I’m totally boob-shy.

- Am more trusting of leaving her with a grandma if I need to go somewhere. Kyle and I have left Isla with his mom a couple of times so we could do a Costco trip and a Walmart trip, and we’ve left her with my mom a couple times to do a quick grocery shop and even go to a movie! The date afternoon was a nice treat, and definitely needed!

- Have already started looking into daycare for when I’m suppose to go back to work. Spaces fill up so quickly, and it’s hard to find an open spot nearby. Ugh.

- Had my post-pregnancy/delivery doctor’s check-up yesterday, and according to my doc, everything is looking just fantastic. Apparently my uterus is doing great and that it’s like I was never pregnant at all. Yay for my uterus? He also said that he’d take me as a regular patient, which is awesome because my other, “regular” doctor was a 20-minute drive across town, and this one is only a 5 minute drive away. I also like his bedside manner a bit more as well, and it will be nice to have him as my doctor if/when Kyle and I decide to have another baby.

- Need to find a way to get back into better shape and hopefully lose some of my tummy-pooch during the cooler weather. I’ve been going for walks with my mom, but when it gets colder it will be harder to do. Maybe I’ll get a fitness “game” for my XBox Kinect if I can find a cheapish one.

- Accidentally pinched Isla with her soother holder. It’s this massive thing with a hard, plastic clip. I felt HORRIBLE and she screamed so hard It broke my heart.


One Month