Two Weeks, Two Trips, Two Give Aways and The Oufits That Took Me There

Posted on the 12 August 2012 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro
If you haven't guessed it by the title of my blog post, I have a two-two theme going on.
Two Weeks
The bad news:  I have been engrossed in a few (good) things that have taken me away from my beautiful blog writing desk. (insert sad music).
The good news: I just-have-to give you (my loyal readers) a heads-up of what is coming up in the next few days, if not weeks, in my blog!

I was one of the panelists for the "How to Price and Value Your Services"
at Blog Her this year!

Two Trips
First off, I have been traveling for both the La Jolla Fashion and Film Festival and Blog Her 12 in New York City; and, I can not wait to share all the amazing details, learnings, and what I wore for each event.
To start, Eliza Parker and Earthies sponsored my BlogHer 12 outfit. The dress was absolutely DIVINE, and received several compliments during Blog Her.  I also can't express how much I LOVED my shoes, and how absolutely COMFORTABLE they were.
If you follow me on Instagram, you can see the various pictures I took of my outfits, and when you come back to visit me, you will read two full reviews for both items.
Which takes me to...

This is what I wore to the La Jolla Fashion and Film Festival
during the Luncheon

Two Give-Aways

It was hot AND humid in NYC.
By the time I took this photo I had been up for 36  hours - straight...
and traveled eight-hours to get to NYC!

Besides being complimented for both my shoes and dress, a few ladies at BlogHer complimented my skin.  My skin?!  Which is quite comical being that I had slept for maybe one-hour during my eight hour trek to NYC (don't ask!) and it was horribly hot and humid; to add insult to injury, I am a proud-carrying 41 year-old member.
Being that I usually don't wear heavy foundation, and anything I had on my face probably melted, I can only thank the amazing super-power of my secret potion: Neocell.
"What's Neocell?" You might be asking - well, I promise I will tell you in the upcoming weeks (so don't stay to far behind); and this is where it gets awesome:

I will be doing a give-away for a pair of Earthies shoes and a beauty-set of Neocell!

Now that you know what has happened in my world in the last couple of weeks, I can't wait to fully update everyone with my full event recaps, product reviews, and everyone's favorite: giveaways.
Until next time my pretties, stay cool and don't forget your lipgloss.