Two Years of Blogging

Posted on the 03 January 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

Two Years of Blogging
Two years ago today I posted my first ever blog post here on Bump to Baby. It was this one - a post about being with Adam for what was ten years and is now twelve. I'd messed around with the idea of blogging before and had set up a few others but they didn't last long as I couldn't quite find my 'place' in the ever-growing world of blogging.
My second post was about why I had started Bump to Baby and it's a post I often go back to and read.   It was called 'A reason to blog' and everything I said then, I still feel now. I spoke about how content I felt at that point in my life and how I wanted to capture that feeling and keep it forever and I feel so lucky to be able to say that I still feel as content and happy as I did then. And that feeling of utter content and complete happiness is for me, what life is all about.
I am so glad that I started writing here on Bump to Baby. Writing this blog has been more amazing then I thought it could have ever been and I've met such wonderful people through being part of the community that blogging has become.
I never thought I'd share my life on the Internet so publicly, being the introvert that I am. But I sort of feel that I am writing to my friends everyday and I feel that I am capturing the best moments of mine and my families life. And that sort of makes the idea of sharing everything feel so completely natural to me.
And now it's been two years and it's the longest 'hobby' that I've ever stuck at. I'm proud of my little corner of the Internet and I'm proud to be part of a community of such lovely bloggers. So here's to hopefully many more happy years of blogging. And if you read my little blog, daily or even just occasionally - thank you so very much, it honestly does mean a lot to me.
Two Years of Blogging
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