Diaries Magazine

Uff Ye Emotions on Pre-order

Posted on the 28 January 2013 by C. Suresh

There you sit in solitary splendor writing you oh-so-lyrical prose and push it out to the world assuming that the wonder of your words will so capture the imagination of the reading public that they shall beat a path to your door clamoring for your literary output. There the world sits totally uncaring about your existence and happily assuming that it can probably have as much fun reading the dictionary. Then the realization slowly creeps in that probably there are millions out there doing the same thing. Then comes a Short story writing contest, you participate and, presto, there is someone else – Vinit Bansal - out there who also seems to think that you are worth reading. Now, at last, you find that you can actually see your name in print. Not yet in solitary splendor since there are eleven others who shall also share the stage with you. That is, in a way, a big boon. When there are other good authors around in the same book, the book need not stand or fall on the strength of your literary talent alone. So, on February the 7th, I can expect to see my name in print along with Saurabh Arya, Papan Basu, Abhilash Ruhela, Sanhita Baruah, Anjit Sharma, Himanshu Appi Chabra, Drishti Dasgupta, Stephen Anthony, Pankaj Mittal and Rachna Seth as well as Priyanka Dey. The book is featured in Good reads in the following link.
http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17284614-uff-ye-emotions Links for pre-ordering the book are available on the Good reads page as well. I am giving a few here for ready reference (Where is the author who completely sheds the delusion that his readers will make a beeline to buy his books the moment they know about it?)
Here is to hoping that the book is found enjoyable.

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