Ugh. I'm Totes Screwed.

Posted on the 16 January 2012 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
I may be all powerful and awesome now, with a "They don't like me?  Fuck 'em!" James Dean-ish badass attitude about life.  But I'm still absolutely terrible at flirting.  So I still periodically do some internet research on the topic, no matter how lame that sounds.  You don't like that I'm lame?  Fuck you!  That's RIGHT, bitch!
I'm just kidding, you're not a bitch.  But seriously, stop laughing at me.
Anyway, look what I found:

How to Meet a Good Man in a Bar, from
3. Consciously signal attraction.
Men looking to get laid like sexually aggressive women for obvious reasons. If  you’re not making a spectacle of yourself, you may feel like an ugly duckling. Remember that you don’t want to waste time catching the eye of a player. Andrew Trees, in his book Decoding Love, lays out a nice summary of what the research shows about getting men to approach.
The short answer: eye contact with a smile. Not surprising, right? What is surprising is the amount of encouragement men need before risking an approach. It’s more than most women would feel comfortable with. According to a study cited by Trees, even making eye contact multiple times had a success rate of only 20% if it wasn’t accompanied by a smile each time. When women added the smile each time they made eye contact, their success rate increased to 60%.
I know one young woman who swears by the practice of staring at a guy until he approaches. She claims her success rate with this strategy is 100%. However, she admits that guys often assume that she’s DTF, and I know for a fact that she’s dated some real jerks. depressing is that?
I mean, I thought that getting the smile and eye contact thing down was going to do me some serious good, but now I find out that doesn't even work most of the time??  WTF, internet?  You have deceived me!
I don't know if my poor little reserve of courage can handle the staring.
I'm totally fucked.  Or not, as the case may be.