UmadYet’s Liebster Award Nomination

Posted on the 04 May 2014 by Umadyet

Liebster award

The nomination:

Andrea and Kevil have sent a nomination to UmadYet for the Liebster award!  I thought this was another version of the social network chain letter. (Forward this on and something great will happen to you, if you don’t it will rain on your parade.) Come to find out that in the blogging world it looks to be quite the awesome honor!  It helps us out by sharing a bit about ourselves. The cool thing about this is by linking back to the blog that sent the nomination, you can follow that back to discover new blogs.  So thank you at Pretend to be Nice for this honor! Also check out my 11 nominations below and send them to blog lovin’!

What is the Liebster award?

The Liebster award is given to bloggers with under 200 followers to help promote their blog to others.   Here are the rules:

  • The nominated blogger must provide a link back to the blog that nominated them.
  • Provide 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions set by the blog that nominated you.
  • Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.

11 Facts about me.

  1. I’m both a middle and an only child.
  2. I used to play the trombone, tuba and piano.
  3. I consider myself a hospice care worker for cars. (Driving a 25-year-old Toyota now.)
  4. I work for a car dealer as a service writer / customer service.
  5. I’m OCD however too lazy to do anything about it.
  6. I hate fax machines and think they should all go away!
  7. Where ever I go, there I am.
  8. I’ve lived in Michigan, USA all my life and have a love/hate relationship with this state.
  9. I’ve been blogging for a few months now.  Never before did I think this would be something I would do or enjoy.
  10. I never thought it would be this hard to think of 11 facts about someone I know so well!

11 questions from Pretend to be Nice:

From Andrea:

1. What do you remember about your favorite teacher? – I would say my 11th grade Social Studies teacher would be my favorite.  (Even though he failed me the first time through.)  Terms like “conceptual framework” and “paradigm shift” stick with me to this day.  He did teach you what to think, he taught you how to think.

2. Toilet paper roll: over-hang or under-hang? – Over-hang no doubt!  I have even gone as far to flip roles in other bathrooms just to keep up with the good fight!

3. What is your all-time favorite TV series? Why?  – I’m watching it now on Netflix.  House MD.  Just love his wit and sarcastic ways.  Scrubs was probably a close second (Dr. Cox)

4. When you were a kid, did you ever get away with something that you never told anyone? Will you tell us now?  – Wow, way to make my childhood seem boring now.  I cannot think of one thing that I got away with.  My dad was pretty good at finding out things and I couldn’t keep much from him.  My biggest punishment as a kid was the feeling of disappointment from my dad.  If I did have that secret I’ve buried it deep in my memory, however will tell if it ever comes to light!

5. What is the healthiest thing you do for yourself? – Sleep!  The 2nd place would go to keeping my cool in situations when I feel I should be flipping my lid.  Help keep the blood pressure down..

6. When you deserve a special treat for accomplishing a goal (like keeping up with a blog challenge schedule), how do you celebrate?  I feel that without goals you can treat yourself more often!  The problem with that is the treats are not as special then.

From Kevil:

7. What do you like to do when you’re hanging out with your friends?  There’s that once a year camping trip that comes to mind.  Other than that karaoke, darts or just about anything that brings you to the bar..  Drinking may be the common connection with all my friends. lol

8. What is your favorite time of year?  I’m torn between spring and fall.  Both show the change from the winter or summer, my least favorite times of the year.  Too hot and too cold.  Welcome to Michigan!

9. What was the happiest time of your life?  I would have to go with the time I found out I was having a son until the time he was born.  It was a time where everything in my life seemed to fall into place.  (What happened after, I’ll save that for a later post.)

10. What was the last thing you did for yourself?  I would say everything I do, I do for myself.  Not to sound selfish, I consider myself as someone who would do anything for just about anybody.  I would also argue the reason for doing that is the feeling you get when helping someone else.  So in a way all motives are selfish to a point.

11. What’s that one quirk that very few people know about you.I hate driving on bumpy dirt roads.  Probably stemming from when I flipped a Ford Explorer while driving on one.

UmadYet’s 2014 Liebster Award Nominations:

  1. The offensive playbook
  2. miss moody girl
  3. Zen and pi
  4. Ranting Raven
  5. British Chick Across The Pond
  6. Pessimist in me
  7. Explode my mind
  8. An Olive Daily
  9. The Conundrum
  10. A boy named Sue
  11. Humping Heart
  12. Listen Sistah

11 Questions for the Nominees:

  1. You may have seen the bumper sticker “I’d rather be _________!”  What would your sticker say?
  2. Since starting your blog, what is one thing you have learned about yourself?
  3. You can only have one food and one beverage for the rest of your life, what is it?
  4. You have the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  5. Bugs Bunny was one of my favorite cartoons growing up, what was yours?
  6. As an adult, I found Bugs to be a bit evil in his ways.  Did your view of your favorite cartoon change as you grew up?
  7. What is your mental escape from everyday life?
  8. You’ve just won a prize!  Besides money, what would you want it to be?
  9. Do you control your feelings or do you let them control you?
  10. Skip this question and save it for last: After writing this what was harder for you, answering or asking the questions?
  11. In today’s crazy world there is so much madness.  There are also people doing great things.  With that being said, what is your favorite color?

Thanks for reading!  I look forward to reading your posts and learning about the blogs you nominate!

Stay mad!