Umadyetnews: Week in Review 04/28/2014

Posted on the 30 April 2014 by Umadyet

Welcome to umadyet’s Week in review 04/28/2014

Another week in the books.  I’ve noticed a certain trend this week.  It’s been with us for decades.  RACISM.  Some say we have come a long way and some say we have a long road ahead.  I wonder if there is a fine line between racism and overactive political correctness.  I’ve noticed it in the news quite a bit this week.  Is it fabricated, private made public or something else?  Let’s jump right in and find out..  Here are a few articles that I think deserve a little more thought.

School fundraiser cancelled, called racist:

A fraternity and sorority planned a fundraiser / party  to raise money for cardiac care.  A noble event for these students to look to help others.  It was cancelled due to others students raising concerns stating that this party is racist.  The students themed a party after Cinco de Mayo and called it a Phiesta.  (Phi from the frat and iesta from Fiesta, quite clever if you ask me.)  In a letter to the college one student said “As a Mexican-born, United-States-raised, first-generation woman of color, it was sadly unsurprising that a culturally themed party was seen as a casual venture for such a privileged institution…”  The main concerns related to the Americanization of the Mexican holiday that was about the 1862 battle between the Mexicans and the French.  Now, like St. Patrick’s day, is another excuse to just party for Americans.  The party (btw one definition / translation for Fiesta is party) was cancelled.  The students felt that the chance that the party would offend even one member of the school out weighed the benefits of the fundraiser.  COME ON!  I agree that there are people who look at some of America’s “traditions” as offensive knowing what the true meaning is. (Christmas anyone?)  I think that this is just taking that too far.  These kids are trying to do something good for their community and do it in a fun (festive) way.  If the anti-fiesta students felt so strongly about the meaning of a fiesta she could’ve offered to show them how to do it in a way that would not be offensive? (Maybe upset they were not invited?)  Even if it is completely wrong to have a fiesta in America, doesn’t the cause kinda add a few points for being an ok thing?  If not, where is the uproar about the Fiesta Bowl or the Ford Fiesta?  Stick to your guns..

sources: Eagle-Tribune, WMUR

Clive Bundy, conservative hero, called racist:

I’m not going to go deep into his comments.  What he said can have some racial tones, no doubt.  This news explosion is based on a recent video interview with Clive.  This video clipped as been cut and hacked to make him look as bad as possible.  Is the words he used wrong, probably.  He’s old(er).  We’ve all had that older relative or friend that shouldn’t use the words they do, yet they either don’t know any better or don’t care.  Is what he said racist?  I think not.  He was talking about blacks and Mexicans, however in an observational way.  I don’t think it was derogatory towards them. More just about stating his view on where their cultures are at, based on his views.  If you watch the pre-video and the full length video you get a different context than the ones used in the media.  Here’s a few YouTube links with the pre, full and cut versions.

Here are the remarks made before the full video:

Now watch the full video

Now the Media Matters cut up version:

So, what do you think?  Post your comments below!

Lawyer calls Supreme Court decision on Affirmative action racist:

The Supreme Court upheld Michigan’s ban on Affirmative action last Tuesday.  The civil rights lawyer arguing to keep affirmative action calls this decision racist.  I agree there was a time where the law needed to get involved to make sure all had an opportunity to get into higher education.  Michigan’s voters have decided that time is over.  I would argue that affirmative action is racist.  Selection of an applicant based on skin color to meet a quota just does not seem fair.  If a school selects a student with a 3.6 however happens to fall into the race that this school needs over a 4.0 student who does not, is that not racism?  I would not want to get into a school or job just based on my color.  I would want it based on who I am, where I came from, what my potential is ect…  What do you think about Affirmative Action?  Does your state or country have something similar?

umadyet news: Week in review, Recap:

Racism is something that is still amongst us.  I think it’s more media driven than personal.  We all have preconceived thoughts on others. Be it their color, nationality, sex, size or whatever.  We still have to learn not to judge a book by its cover.  Also, we have to know that there is a common traits with all groups.  It is as easy to fall into the trap of assuming most in a group may act the stereotypical way as it is for us to act in the way the stereotype we fall into. We do need to realize the vocalization of our views can harm others.  We also need to respect that if we are offended by others views, they still have the right to think that way (right or wrong.)  It’s how we react that means more than the thought it’s self.

So what do you think?

  • Is racism still a big problem or just something the media is hyping for ratings.
  • Is affirmative action racist or is it still needed to help those who may be held back due to their race?
  • Is the cancellation of the Fiesta the right thing to do or an extreme overreaction?

Do you have a news story you would like to share?  Visit my about page to contact me.