
Posted on the 11 May 2019 by Zer @the2women

…UnderstandOkay, I'm just going to cut to the chase, it's Mother's Day weekend. If this is a revelation, go now. There are gifts to buy, cards to sign, and brunch reservations to make.

To the rest of you, congratulations! You have your shit together.

On a more serious note, don't forget the people who might find this weekend a difficult. No matter their reasons, a little of your time and some patience and understanding can go a long way.

Alright, that's all I have for you. Go out and have a wonderful weekend. To all the mothers, have a wonderful weekend doing what brings you joy. Thank you for all you do. For those struggling, know that you're not alone.

To the rest of you, don't forget to call, text, or (preferably) visit your mother this weekend.

...just for fun: