Unexpected Inspiration

Posted on the 22 July 2011 by Luciferguson @Luciferguson
There's a girl I follow on Tumblr who, every now and then, will post poems that she's written. I admire her for that. I rarely get round to writing poetry nevermind finishing it to a standard where I'm willing to post it somewhere like Tumblr. The thing is, I only read snippets of her work before becoming annoyed by it. It's always too abstract. After just one year studying creative writing at university I've had it drilled into me that you need to have concrete images and to pin point things well. Otherwise you're living in the abstract and it all seems too vague. I'm not sure how old she is, a couple of years younger than me I think. She's probably writing just as well as I was at her age so I can't help feeling bad for criticising her.
I have realised though, her poems are very good at making me want to write some poetry myself. This is a tricky thing to do. I can sit and read poems by amazing writers or hear the most beautiful song lyrics, and although I feel poetic afterwards I will rarely write anything. Why? I dare say its because I don't feel like I could better the things I have just read or heard. But reading a poem or a piece of prose which you don't find that great, or which you think needs some fine tuning, can be really inspirational. It makes you want to shout "No! It should be more like this!" and create your own piece.
And I dare say some of you are inspired by this piece of writing in the very same way.