
Posted on the 03 January 2013 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
Sometimes I see that you are not looking at me.
And that’s when I realize, that all this is a LIE.
I look at you and pray thru,
I wish this wasn’t happening and none of this was TRUE.
I say nothing and continue talking,
But somehow it is at the back of my head,
Is this what I get for all my love,
oh, I wish I was DEAD.
I dismiss all my thoughts, close my eyes and hope,
Hope that I just cant see it in your eyes,
It’s just a mistake and not some LIES.
I tease you and act as if nothing was ever bad,
And when you act in a manner that is so cold,
My Heart breaks and everything seems so SAD.
I try and try and try, I never wanted it to end this way,
To Hell!!!! I had never dreamt of such a DAY.
My dreams of our Home just lay Shattered,
And with it, the pieces of my Heart lay SCATTERED.
To this very day, I remain confused,
Oh Why did this have to happen to me,
For the wounds of my Heart remains UNHEALED....
~A Poem By Fizz