Unintentional Symbolic Bollards (USB)...

Posted on the 06 October 2013 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon


We are at the junction of Sutherland Street and Peabody Avenue, Pimlico SW1 where I came across what I believe to be 'Unintentional Symbolic Bollards' (USB) surrounding a Tree.
Once these wooden bollards were part of a Tree now they stand tall/true protecting large Tree from vehicle strikes but not a chainsaw/logger. The irony but oh what symbolism we can find around us on a daily but not intentional basis. 
The picture/photograph (below) is certainly not a bollard but one of me on my mission to 'Get Fit Not Fat' and this morning I managed to run my best time for 5 km (3.1 miles) of 27 minutes 27 seconds so please excuse me from shouting from the rooftops that I'm enjoying my journey to even greater levels fitness on the road/pavement ahead.

Bollards of London...