University Life- Freshers Fair.

Posted on the 28 May 2013 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
This is another Blog Post about University life. Today I'll be talking FRESHER'S FAIR. This not only time to show very embarrassing photos of myself but also to talk about how to make this the best and funniest time of your University life. You'll make new friends, get lots of free stuff and basically have a good time! Me and my Best Friend (who'd I'd met before but met during freshers week) had so much fun that week we forgot to take any clubbing photos. Here are a few though from our great Fresher's week.

Me & Hannah!

Using saucepans as props :P

Lazy mornings.

Sexy photo.

Honestly, during Fresher's week use the band that you should be given ^ (mine can be seen in this sexy photo above) this will allow you to go into the club at any time. I met SO many people during freshers week and these people have become awesome friends. That's not to say though that this is the only time you'll meet people. I met a lot of people at the famous house parties I had- these are not a good idea! Security got very angry but this is for another time! :P Yet the first year of Uni is ABOUT FUN. But don't forget to get those essays in or you won't pass. 
Fresher's fair is another great time. Grab ALL the freebies, my Uni was very good and provided me a box with all these great things in including free cereals and join lots of societies. I was fortunate enough to meet lots of lovely people through the Christian Union- two of whom I am living with next year! These societies are the gateways to new friends. I am honestly so blessed to have made the friends I've made through these societies, classes and parties! 
There is no other way to put this First Week of University since it AMAZING. You have noting to worry about and you can just relax before some work has to be put in. I loved my first week and first year at University. I hope you will too. 
P.S: You'll also have a lot of DOWN IT FRESHER, shouted in your ear.