
Posted on the 28 September 2016 by Manjuprasad Shetty N @ManjuprasadSn

Nobody really knows meHow unfortunate it is
They only know my cover
Cares no one to know what's under.

I smile to hide my tearsI laugh to hide my screams
It's been this way for years
Things aren't as they seem

I always seem so happy
Bothered least about the world
If only you had noticed
Things wouldn’t have gone untold

I see that you are not looking at me
And that’s when I realize, that all this is a lie
My Heart breaks and everything seems so sadYet I tease you and act as if nothing was ever bad
I think, I should remove this heart,
And replace it with one made of stone
This one cares too much
And expectations many more
I am tired of giving it assurances,
That someday it will regain its glory
and someone worthy will help mend it
And this pain will become a history