
Posted on the 24 April 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

As we approach the end of the week, my word for you today is " unwind". Busy is a good thing to be, but it is also equally important to renew your energy by unwinding, relaxing, doing the things you enjoy and letting your mind rest before it is ready to juggle and get going again.

Here are a few easy ways to unwind and quiet your mind - best thing is, you can do it any time from anywhere, tweaking as you

  • Try deep breathing. Just sit somewhere and take deep belly breaths. You'll see your abdomen rise and fall. Ten will do. It calms you by regularizing your breathing and you feel yourself relax.
  • Pick up your diary and write. Compose a poem or music. Or just free write whatever comes to mind. No need to stop and edit. For fun, since you are a right hander, try using your left hand to write. Laughter guaranteed. For all you know, you might become ambidextrous!
  • Go to the terrace and walk briskly for ten minutes. It gets the blood flowing and brings back your energy.
  • Go out and take a leisurely stroll. Notice all the people and little things around you. You'll be amazed how much there is to see and smile at.
  • Look around you, maybe even the room you are in right now. Look at every object with new eyes. Surprised how you never noticed that inscription on that photo? The design on the frame? The picture on that mug? Okay, the dust on the table? Good! wipe that off!
  • How about an impromptu Earth Day? Unplug. Switch off something.
  • Play some music. Sing along. Learn the lyrics.
  • Meditate for ten minutes
  • Read a book. Or a few pages. Or some jokes. Or a comic book.
  • Watch a comedy show on TV - something that makes you laugh out loud.
  • Write someone a letter - of thanks, or just compliment them.
  • Let go of something. If you can't figure out what, grab that box of balloons, blow some and then let them go.
  • Attempt something new. Although, right now I am thinking that would be a math problem!
  • Take a nap. Okay, just a suggestion. I know you think sleeping is a waste of time unless it is the mandatory night sleep! So sit still and empty your mind. Dream a little.
  • Appreciate yourself. Take a sheet of paper and list your strengths. Smile!
  • Make a wish list.

And while you are unwinding, do not forget the Universe will surprise you by making your dreams come true more often than you expect. I know that by experience. I am sure you are now smiling because you know what I am referring to!

Be nice to yourself.

A to Z Challenge 2015. Theme " Letters to my son "

U for Unwind

U is for Use the rule of 3 at Life Hacks For Diabetics
U is forUnplug at Life Hacks for Happiness

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