Although I have been talking to hubby about the carpets needing to be washed, this is not quiet what I had in mind!
We have had an experience and a half starting last night with our normally pretty un-eventfull bath time!
Our night was going along as usual, with Daddy bathing the twins while mommy makes dinner, prepares bottles, gets pj’s ready, washes up and the like. Until the commotion started coming from the bathroom with hubby yelling ‘Code brown, code brown!’ as he scooped B1 out of the bath closely followed by B2. I am sure I don’t need to explain to you what code brown means!
So we got their nappies on to save any more messes on the carpet, then hubby went to clean out the bath while I finished dressing the twins. He came out and our night proceeded to go in its normal fashion. Hubby and I ate dinner while the twins had their bottles (then jumped all over us once they finished), we washed up, they had a bit of a play and watched a little In the Night Garden before getting in their sleeping bags ready for stories before bed. I walked out of the kitchen telling hubby that I was just going to the toilet before we started reading. This is where the sh*t code brown hit the fan!
‘Quick’ I yelled. Running to the bathroom door. Hubby came running screaming ‘What what’.
Water was streaming out from under the bathroom door, up the hallway towards where we had been sitting on the lounge. It flowed under our bedroom door and under the twin’s door.
‘Oh sh*t, the bath!’ yells hubby.
I opened the bathroom door to find water everywhere and up to at least my ankle bones. The bath had bubbles up a meter high! I paddled ran over and pulled the plug.
It had been running for at least 40 minutes. Hubby had put it on to soak all the bath toys and their bath chairs. He came out to help me dress them and completely forgot about it.
The next hour was spent using every towel we own, laying them out over the carpet and treading on them to try to soak up the water. It was the length of the living room, into our bedroom, under our bed and to the far wall.
B1 and B2 thought this was the best thing ever! They trudged through the water, soaking their pajamas, sitting down and rolling around in it.
This mommy did not find it this much fun I can tell you!
32 Towels, 2 double bed blankets, 6 bath mats, 7 hand towels, 8 large face washers were used in the soaking up of this water.
Some washed, dried and used to trudge over again.
5 loads of washing and 2 dryer loads between the hours of 7pm and 10pm last night. This morning 4 loads of towels and 2 dryer loads have been done. A clothes horse, our laundry clothesline and some doors and chairs have been used for hanging. Our new home decorations- towels!
The bathroom was a mess. The nappies the twins had on before their bath were on the floor in the corner waiting to go in the bin before the flood struck. These were now expanded after soaking up water and had exploded, gel going everywhere!!
We got the twins changed into new pajamas, into their sleeping bags and read a quick story then into bed, somehow managing to keep them off the soaking wet carpet.
Now there was nothing more that could be done that night except more towel trudging… and washing. I laid towels out in our bedroom but no more could be done in there as B1 sleeps in our room. Luckily she is on the other side of the room. Unlucky for me, the floor all along my side of the bed was soaking wet. No socks to bed for me!
This morning hubby went to hire an industrial fan blower for wet carpet. It has been on all morning and is slowly working. Square inch by square inch!
What a night! Poor hubby felt awful. Of course, I could not be angry with him as it is something I so easily could have done myself. We did actually have a few laughs amongst the chaos. After all, what else could we do?
B1 and B2 had a ball.
Let’s look on the bright side. All our towels got a wash. The carpet got a good clean as did the bath and the bathroom floor. Luckily, we are on the first floor and there is only garages under us (ours and part of a neighbours).
Let’s hope for no permanent damage.
And next time, dear husband, let’s just hire a carpet shampooer!
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@Home Take 2