Diaries Magazine

Update: 12 in 2012

Posted on the 18 July 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog

don't you just love lists? I know I do!
I love them so much so that I devoted a whole page to one. My 12 in 2012 was a list of goals that I wanted to accomplish in 2012.  Since it's about half way over (screech-halt-what?)  I thought I would give you guys an update on how things are going so far.
1. Graduate from graduate school with a GPA above 3.0. I am not picky here, just need to keep my GPA above 3.0...graduated with a 3.16! 2. Volunteer regularly at a local pregnancy center, adoption agency, or counseling office.  3. Begin a healthy regimen and kick into high gear before Summer...You'll read about this tomorrow! 4. Visit my sister and niece at least twice this year in North Carolina...she visited us twice. 5. Build up my blogging family to over 100 followers and host another giveaway...Second giveaway underway. Winner announced tomorrow! 6. Talk with a stranger in a coffee shop about Christ.  7. Finish the Twilight series {I know, I'm 12} and start a new series...Hunger Games...finished Twilight. Looking for another series. 8. Go on a weekend trip with my husband. You have no idea how badly we need that!  9. Go on a day hike and enjoy it!  10. Buy locally grown produce for one month {Longer if possible. I am super excited about this one!} 11. Transfer all of our photos into a My Publisher Photo book yearbook.  12. Yes, I am to 12 now! This one ought to be good! Be an instructor for a college class {I hope!}
I am so excited about completing the rest of my list.  As I stated above the winner of the giveaway will be announced tomorrow so you have until Midnight EST. to enter!
What about you?  Do you have goals that you have accomplished and are proud of?  I would love for you to share them with me!  Leave me a comment below.
have a great Wednesday folks!


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