Update: BoxRun Day 39 Mike Strange Helps to Knock out Cancer

Posted on the 21 May 2012 by Hotelprops @hotelprops

This is an update right from Mike. You can follow him on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/boxrun  Update: BoxRun Day 39 Mike Strange helps to Knock out Cancer

Well i wasnt to confident going into BoxRun day #39 but luckily it all worked out.Today i woke up and my shin splint that occurred the day before was a little sore but wouldnt know how sore it would be until i was going to start running.On the drive back to the Canadian flag at the end of day #38,i saw many hills that i was going to have to conquer and was a little nervous,alot nervous actually.I started 8km and at the beginning it wasnt my shin splint that was bothering me but a bad stomach ache instead.After the 8 km,i went into the RV and lied down and felt such a sharp pain in my stomach that it was hard to concentrate and there was noway i could have continued running.Tim got me some Gravol and 2 pain killers from my moms medical kit bag that she gave me before i left and a heating pad on my stomach aswell.I layed there for about 25 min and miraculously the pain went away and i ran another 8 km and felt great actually.

At the end of that 8km,i was met by Tim Vanderberg,his wife Antonietta Formica and kids Zach and Mitch who are originally from the falls but live here in Saskatchewan.Tim is a RCMP officer and runs quite a bit so he ran the remaining 24 km with me which went so fast as we talked the whole time !My shin didnt bother me until the last 2 km which wasnt too bad,prob because the pain killers starting waring off!haha!

Todays dedication was to Gary Gaston’s father,Gary Sr. who passed away 10 yrs ago today and was taken quickly and Gary Jr. didnt get a chance to say goodbye.Well Gary,your father would have been so proud of you as you have a great wife and beautiful son whose name is also Gary,he knows you loved him.Dont ever have any regrets about telling your family that you love them and dont be too proud.Hug ,kiss and tell your love ones how much you care about them.

Update: BoxRun Day 39 Mike Strange helps to Knock out CancerThis morning.John Weibe,who we dedicated a day to a little while ago, fighting Lung Cancer,passed away at 76 yrs old.John will be sadly missed by his whole family, especially Dave Giberson,who was his Godson and requested this dedication to him.
We are currently 7 km east of Swift Current and are heading towards Medicine Hat tomorrow ,just a few more days and we will be entering Alberta,Bring on The BEEF!!!!!!!