Self Expression Magazine

Urban Dictionary Definition: Mom Rock

Posted on the 22 February 2012 by Thismumrocks @thismumrocksnz

I play all sorts of music on This Mum Rocks: Metal, HipHop,Country, Rap, R&B, Electronica, Dance, yes I’ve even had Disco. (Those who knew me in 1997 know I love fancy dress & have a quirky soft spot for those who can do the Hustle!)

Urban Dictionary : Mom Rock

A genre of rock music that appeals to thirty- and forty-something caucasian women, many of whom have children.  Examples include Bon Jovi, Nickelback, and Los Lonely Boys.

Used in a sentence:  Bon Jovi is the epitome of mom rock. My friend’s mom loves ‘em!

This Mum Rocks Urban Dictionary Mom Rock Bon Jovi

photo courtesy of

Historical tidbit: The very first tape I  bought was Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet, from a mall in Winnipeg.

 I think it was summer of 1987.  I was 9.

 What was your first record, 8-track, tape, cd, mp3?

This Mum Rocks Urban Dictionary Mom Rock Nickelback

photo courtesy of

Bit of Trivia: These guys come from Hanna Alberta, my Dad’s hometown.  

Do you have any famous musicians from your hometown?  For me, Diana Krall comes close,as she hails from the neighbouring city, Nanaimo BC

This Mum Rocks Urban Dictionary Mom Rock Los Lonely Boys
Los Lonely Boys: photo courtesy of

Confession: I actually have no idea who these guys are! Should I?

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