Urban Gardening

Posted on the 06 June 2014 by Elizabethwix


I got terribly bored of looking at the previous nasturtiums...

anyway, the roof garden and the tree pits are flourishing  -unlike my writing or blogging... 

I have been smashing pansies but the results are pretty much the same as last year's...

These are some bits and pieces from the roof.

Light through glass - rather fun.


Huge excitement - I bought two tiny vases - about the size they appear in the photos and have taken about a billion photos of them.

I am meant to be writing an essay about "Why I Write" hmm.....not very useful when one isn't writing much at all. I'm mostly copying my long essay about life in LA in the seventies. You can imagine what a huge audience there is for that little snippet.

Also not writing an essay about Persephone Books.

Also thinking about what an endless audience there is for self-help books - about the billion ways there are to improve one's self.

Possible title: How to be Idle and Enjoy It: A Thousand Strategies for Wasting Time.

File under: Family, Dog, Food, Friends, Blogging, Taking Photos of Things...

Happy Weekend.