Diaries Magazine

Using Veils to Add Light - Photo Recipe

Posted on the 25 November 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
 Using Veils to add Light - Photo Recipe The Coast Road, also called the Danish Riviera, leads you from Copenhagen to North Sealand. As you drive along, you'll see the sea, the beaches and the small harbours on your right side. When the weather is clear, you can actually see the coastline of Sweden in the horizon. On your left you'll see the pictorescue houses, with parks and forest in between.  Between the Coast Road and the sea, you'll find small paths you can walk along, from one harbor to another ... It is these small paths I seek, when I wish to leave the city behind. The sound of waves and the breeze from the sea will take you to another world, where time ceases to exist: There is just the sea gulls and a few fisherman casting ... Peace and serenity.  When our boys were small, we used to have a picnic on the large park next to the walking path. Now when they're teens, we still come here for a walk every now and then. Furthermore, this path is one of my favorite places for "photo walks" - that is, a special date with just me and my camera (smiling). Well, I actually had a photo walk on the Coast Road this Sunday, where I captured the sea with the foamy waves.  Using Veils to add Light - Photo Recipe
I have used Pixrl Editor, a free online image editor, for enchanging this photo. I started with cropping the photo, cutting off way some of the sky, letting the sea fill about 2/3 of the frame. My focus was on the light reflections on the bridge and on the stormy sea - therefore I left just 1/3 of the frame to the sky.
I chose to enchange this photo with photo veils because I wanted to highlight the wawes in the foreground, and to add more warmth to the light reflections on the bridge. I chose these veils from Simplicity Collection and Illumination Collectionat Love That Shot. 
Photo Recipe:
1. I added the Dream veil from Simplicity Collection, using blending mode overlay with 65 % opacity. Using soft brush with 50 % opacity, I removed some of the Dream veil effect from the top of the foamy waves in the foreground.
2. My second veil, Vanilla Twilight, is also from Simplicity Collection : I used blending mode multiply, with 70 % opacity.
3. The last veil, Peach Glow from Illumination Collection, adds a pastel-like light on the waves and on the bridge. I used blending mode overlay with 60 % opacity.
Besides the light effect in the middle of the photo, the veils create a vignette effect, forming a natural frame.
You'll find more beautiful veils that add light effects to your photos from Love That Shot's Photo Veil Collections.
What is your favorite place for "photo walks"?
... Sunshine to your week,

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