V-Day Cynic

Posted on the 15 February 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

I will have to say, I’m not really all for Valentine’s Day. I’m not against it, but I didn’t get all upset or depressed when Kyle and I decided not to do anything special.

So, when “V-Day” rolled around yesterday, I was happy just to wake up next to my husband, have him kiss me on the cheek and wish me a Happy Valentine’s Day. I was happy with the two of us going to my doctor’s appointment together and hearing Baby I’s heartbeat. (Which is good and strong, btw!)

I don’t know if it’s because I spent 5 years working in customer service where I watched frantic men buying over-priced cards, flowers ($30 for a dozen roses!), and chocolates for their loved ones, but I’ve always thought it was hilarious and marginally pathetic when they came into the store right before closing time only to find a beaten-up bunch of carnations.

I’m not one for public displays of affection, mostly because I embarrass easily, sweat and turn an awful shade of red when all eyes are on me. Flowers delivered to work are my biggest fear.

I think I got nauseous every time I seen someone write “I have the best husband/boyfriend/fiance in the world!” on Facebook/Twitter yesterday. Yeah, you and 1,000,000 other women in the world!

Yes, you can safely say that I was quite the Valentine’s Day cynic yesterday. I was 100% okay with Kyle and I just enjoying our evening together making dinner and cookies. I was looking forward to it!

And then? Then I came home from work and Kyle told me to go look in a drawer because he said he bought cool new headphones for his iPod. Because it’s ridiculously easy for him to fool me, I believed him, only to find this:

His excuse? He couldn’t go through our first Valentine’s Day married together and not do something nice for me. I cried.

So I guess that makes me a cynical hypocrite, because I can’t wait to go for my massage.

It still doesn’t make me a sucker for Valentine’s Day though

How did you celebrate, if you did?
