Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 29 June 2012 by Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
I am about to take one -a big one- and I am nervous. I have managed to escape for a night or two with my husband here and there, but since starting O'verlays I haven't "left". I always had my cell or computer nearby to check in. 
This is an official "Off The Grid" vacation as requested by my family. eeeek!  
So tomorrow at 5pm I am gone...until the following Sunday,  where I am afraid to the pile of emails and spam I will come home to might eat me alive.   I hate technology  (but I secretly f-ing love it)  Damn you and your electrical magic-like heroine like qualities!   Ok. My rant is done.  This is much needed.
If you need me I will be sitting by a lake biting my nails and drinking heavily. ...vacation? send smoke signals.

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