Diaries Magazine

Valentine’s Day…

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Dreamsdramatics @over_dramatic_x

Valentine’s Day…

It’s that time of year again when everywhere you look there is red and pink, hearts, roses, teddy’s and all of those other cliché items that come hand in hand with February the 14th AKA: St. Valentine’s Day.

If you’re loved up; then today will hopefully have you feeling all warm and fuzzy and safe in the knowledge that you have a special somebody in your life who loves you and cares about you. It’s a wonderful feeling and it’s lovely to have one day in the year when it acceptable to be loud and proud about being in love.

However, if you are a Single Pringle today can leave you feeling a bit cold and down in the dumps. Spending 24 hours in the company of “smug” couples can seem suffocating and make you want to run and hide! Believe me, I know. I am one of these people.

I can’t complain, the last two years I have been lucky that I have been in relationships and was given the requisite card/flowers/meal out at a nice restaurant treatment. But this year I have found myself alone once more, and try as I might I have found it hard in the lead up to Valentine’s day. It seems like as soon as Christmas and New Year passed, I was immediately bombarded with images of love everywhere I went. The supermarkets were filled with roses and cuddly sausage dogs professing their love to me, even a massive arrangement of boxes of heart shaped shortbreads accosted me the moment I walked in to Sainsbury’s after Christmas. “It’s a conspiracy!” I thought to myself.

This week I have tried really hard to ignore the inevitable. I’ve closed my eyes, stuck my fingers in my ears and sung “la la la this is not happening”. But it is happening. Right now. All around me. And so I am just going to go about my daily life, do everything I would normally do and try to remind myself that February 14th is not some great conspiracy concocted by smug couples in a bid to exclude anybody who doesn’t fit in their club. It is just another day which has unfortunately been warped into a money making scheme by retailers.

And so, if you are in love. Enjoy yourselves and take a moment to realize that you are lucky. And if you’re not….well I recommend a large glass of wine to help you through! In the evening that is, not at work obviously.

Hayley xox

Image: WeHeartIt

Image: WeHeartIt

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