Value of Values

Posted on the 24 April 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

What comes to mind when you see the word “Values”? All the qualities that one ought to have, to be liked by people, to lead a fulfilling and successful life, right? Today, I’d like to share a leaf from my training notebook, something which formed part of the introductory session for freshers to ease them into a rather rigorous sales training program. We believed that without personal values, no profession can bring you success.

Here are some definitions we used:

Value: Creativity
Out of the box proactive thinking, striving to come up with innovative solutions

Value: Courage
Being ready to explore the unknown and not allowing fear to stop them

Value: Open mindedness
Open to new perspectives without jumping into conclusions, ability to look at things objectively and from all angles

Value: Leaning towards learning
Eagerness to learn new things both at the work place and out of it

Value: Perseverance
Not giving up even when there are hurdles

Value: Curiosity
Whole-heartedly enthusiastic about exploring and discovering new things

Value: Kindness
Showing compassion towards others, ready to be helpful

Value: Empathy
Being sensitive to others’ feelings, thoughts and experiences

Value: Family
Valuing family togetherness and bonding

Value: Integrity
Sticking to personal principles to do what is ethically and morally right

Value: Fairness
Being unbiased and impartial

Value: Humility
Keeping the ego in check and being modest

Value: Gratitude
Counting one’s blessings and never forgetting to thank others

Value: Humor
Seeing the lighter side of things

Value: Love
Connecting with the heart

Value: Honesty
Not being afraid to tell the truth, be authentic and genuine

Value: Forgiveness
Accepting others’ shortcomings and being ready to give them a second chance.

Personal values make life worth living and as one of my teachers was fond of saying, are the keys to success. Values also motivate, enable us live a life of purpose, bringing more focus and more possibilities. Aligning personal and professional values is the way to go as they become our life template. If they are not aligned, life becomes tough, dissatisfying and miserable. Obviously. One cannot aspire to be a bank robber and think one can save the world, right? Zero alignment.

Do you agree?

Do you believe values help you gain real clarity about what you stand for?

Please share in the comments.

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Day 22 of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge

V for the Value of Values

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