
Posted on the 23 March 2013 by Elizabethwix

These first few photos are of the veggie market in the souks on the way to the Musee de Marrakesh. It's a pretty humble market where everything is laid out on the ground. Note the woman on the right with her toddler on her back --from the size of the shoes probably almost three....

Artichokes! beets, eggplant, beans, cauliflower. What a feast and all grown quite nearby.

How much chopping and peeling to be done and how delicious.

Mint and herbs to be added.

And maybe a parsnip says the pregnant cat....

who would rather look about her than pod peas.

Up by the Mellah market the strawberries are in season. I think they are resting in clover.

All photos taken March 2013.