Venus Transit

Posted on the 06 June 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen
 Yesterday was the big day! The Venus Transit! Dun Da Dah!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, in my neck of the woods, it was a HUGE bust! When it was happening and when I wasn't watching it online, this is what I saw (although beautiful to me anyway, just not the BIG ONE!)

Almost looks like someone reaching up?

This was actually blinding!

So this  was about as good as it got for me, again, other than online. But I do have to admit, these pics are beautiful to me, especially the one that tried to actually blind me. :)
How about you? Were you able to experience the Venus Transit? If so, do you have pics to share?

English: Transit of Venus - Venus completely over the sun Italiano: Transito di Venere sul Sole Русский: Прохождение Венеры по диску Солнца (Photo credit: Wikipedia

English: 2004.06.08 Venus Transit, Celestron 8" Catadioptric Telescope (Photo credit: Wikipedia)